Source code for korona.html.tags.area

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Module for constructing <area> tag."""

from __future__ import absolute_import

from ...lib.utils import validate_url
from ...templates.html.tags import area


    'alt': {
        'description': 'Specifies an alternate text for the area. '
                       'Required if the href attribute is present',
        'values': None
    'coords': {
        'description': 'Specifies the coordinates of the area',
        'values': None
    'download': {
        'description': 'Specifies that the target will be downloaded '
                       'when a user clicks on the hyperlink',
        'values': None
    'href': {
        'description': 'Specifies the hyperlink target for the area',
        'values': None
    'hreflang': {
        'description': 'Specifies the language of the target URL',
        'values': None
    'media': {
        'description': 'Specifies what media/device the target URL is '
                       'optimized for',
        'values': None
    'nohref': {
        'description': 'Specifies that an area has no associated link',
        'values': None
    'rel': {
        'description': 'Specifies the relationship between the current'
                       ' document and the target URL',
        'values': ['alternate',
    'shape': {
        'description': 'Specifies the shape of the area',
        'values': ['default', 'rect', 'circle', 'poly']
    'target': {
        'description': 'Specifies where to open the target URL',
        'values': None
    'type': {
        'description': 'Specifies the media type of the target URL',
        'values': None

[docs]class Area(object): """Class for constructing area tag. Args: alt (str): Specifies an alternate text for the area. Required if the href attribute is present. coords (mixed): Specifies the coordinates of the area. download (str): Specifies that the target will be downloaded when a user clicks on the hyper link. href (str): Specifies the hyperlink target for the area. hreflang (str): Specifies the language of the target URL. media (str): Specifies what media/device the target URL is optimized for. nohref(bool): Specifies that an area has no associated link. rel (str): Specifies the relationship between the current document and the target URL. shape (str): Specifies the shape of the area. target(str): Specifies where to open the target URL. type (str): Specifies the media type of the target URL. .. versionadded:: 0.1.0 .. versionchanged:: 0.2.0 Renamed the method construct_tag to construct. .. versionchanged:: 0.3.1 Added URL validation for href attribute. """ def __init__(self, alt=None, coords=None, download=None, href=None, hreflang=None, media=None, nohref=False, rel=None, shape=None, target=None, type=None): self.tag = 'area' self.validate_alt(href=href, attribute_name='alt', value=alt) coordinates = self.get_coords(shape=shape, coords=coords) self.pre_validate(href=href, attribute_name='download', value=download) validate_url(attribute_name='href', url=href) self.pre_validate(href=href, attribute_name='hreflang', value=hreflang) self.pre_validate(href=href, attribute_name='media', value=media) self.validate_values(href=href, attribute_name='rel', value=rel) self.validate_values(href=href, attribute_name='shape', value=shape) self.pre_validate(href=href, attribute_name='target', value=target) self.pre_validate(href=href, attribute_name='type', value=type) self.values = {'alt': alt, 'coords': coordinates, 'download': download, 'href': href, 'hreflang': hreflang, 'media': media, 'nohref': nohref, 'rel': rel, 'shape': shape, 'target': target, 'type': type}
[docs] def construct(self): """Returns the constructed area tag <area></area>.""" return area.render(self.values)
[docs] def validate_alt(self, href, attribute_name, value): """Validates area's alt attribute.""" if href and not value: raise AttributeError('<area>: {0} attribute is required if the ' 'href attribute is present.' .format(attribute_name)) if not href and value: raise AttributeError('<area>: {0} attribute is only used when ' 'href attribute is set.' .format(attribute_name))
[docs] def pre_validate(self, href, attribute_name, value): """Validates whether an attribute is dependant on another attribute or not. Some of the attributes requires href attribute to be set. """ if not value: return if not href: raise AttributeError('<area>: {0} attribute is only used when ' 'href attribute is set.' .format(attribute_name)) if not isinstance(value, str): raise ValueError('<area>: {0} should be a string'.format(value))
[docs] def get_coords(self, shape, coords): """Returns coordinates after a series of validations. Args: shape (str): Shape of a link (Ex. rect/circle/poly/etc.) coords (mixed): A list/tuple/str of coordinate values. Returns: str: A string of coordinate values. """ if not coords: return if (coords and not shape) or (shape and not coords): raise AttributeError('<area>: shape attribute should be present ' 'when coords are specified.') if isinstance(coords, str): coords = coords.split(',') if isinstance(coords, dict): raise ValueError('<area>: {0} should be either list/tuple/str not ' 'a dictionary' .format(coords)) if shape == 'rect' and len(coords) != RECTANGLE_SHAPE_COORDINATES: raise ValueError('<area>: {0} coordinates should be given for ' 'rectangle shape' .format(RECTANGLE_SHAPE_COORDINATES)) if shape == 'circle' and len(coords) != CIRCLE_SHAPE_COORDINATES: raise ValueError('<area>: {0} coordinates should be given for ' 'circle shape' .format(CIRCLE_SHAPE_COORDINATES)) return ','.join(str(coord) for coord in coords)
[docs] def validate_values(self, href, attribute_name, value): """Validates whether the given attribute value is a valid value or not. Some of the attributes have confined values. Even if we give some other value, the html output would not be correct. """ if not value: return if attribute_name == 'rel' and not href: raise AttributeError('<area>: {attribute_name} is only used when ' 'href attribute is set.' .format(attribute_name=attribute_name)) if not isinstance(value, str): raise ValueError('<area>: {0} should be a string value.' .format(attribute_name)) attribute_values = ATTRIBUTES[attribute_name]['values'] if value not in attribute_values: raise AttributeError('<area>: {attribute_name} attribute values ' 'should be one of these: {values}' .format(attribute_name=attribute_name, values=','.join(attribute_values)))